PRP Wing Lift

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What Is PRP Wing Lift?

As you grow older, the labia majora gradually loses its fullness, leading to vaginal laxity, sagging, and hollowness. It can lead to self-consciousness and weaken your sexual experience. RevIVe MedSpa & Wellness provides a highly-calibrated PRP Wing Lift treatment to restore labial fullness and revive your sexual experience.

PRP Wing Lift is a non-surgical procedure wherein cosmetic injectables are used to “plump” and smoothen the labia majora, reversing the effects of age, childbirth, menopause, and other factors on your labial tissues. The PRP Wing Lift consists of PRP injections and hyaluronic acid injections, both of which improve the sexual experience, stimulation, and plumpness, but in different ways.

PRP (platelet-rich plasma) is a component derived from a small sample of your blood. It contains growth factors that, when injected into the labia, encourage the formation of new cells, blood vessels, and nerves. The increased blood circulation in the region leads to improved sexual stimulation while plumping up the labia majora.

Hyaluronic acid fillers restore your skin’s depleting HA reserves. Hyaluronic acid is a naturally-occurring component that draws and retains moisture, ensuring labial fullness and lubrication. Without sufficient hyaluronic acid, you might experience labial dryness and laxity. As such, HA fillers restore youthful levels of labial smoothness and lubrication, improving the appearance and sensation of your labia.


  • Restore labial fullness.
  • Restore labial lubrication.
  • Reverse labial laxity.
  • Improve sexual experience.
  • Reverse the effects of age and childbirth.


  • Non-surgically improves the appearance of the labial tissues.
  • An autologous treatment with no risk of allergies.
  • Improves lubrication and sexual experience.
  • Restore sexual confidence.
  • Concludes within 15 minutes with no downtime.


PRP Wing Lift is an in-office and outpatient procedure that concludes within 30 minutes. Your nurse practitioner draws a small sample of your blood via a syringe. The blood sample is run through a centrifuge to isolate the PRPs. While that’s happening, the provider applies a numbing gel on the labial tissues to ensure comfort. The purified PRP is then injected into the labia majora. Finally, the hyaluronic acid fillers are also injected into the labia majora. The number of injections varies from one individual to the next.


PRP Wing Lift doesn’t involve any downtime. You might experience mild redness and discomfort, but you can resume all your daily activities immediately.


Most patients see the results immediately, with gradual improvements over several weeks or months. Some patients need multiple treatments for optimal results.

More Information

If you live in or around Friendswood, Texas, you can schedule an appointment at RevIVe MedSpa & Wellness to discuss your PRP wing lift options.