Kybella is a unique cosmetic injectable that reduces the unwanted submental fat tissues, i.e., the stubborn fat tissues under the chin. The excessive accumulation of fat under the chin leads to a “double chin,” which can severely affect your self-esteem and aesthetic appearance, making you look significantly older and heavier. Furthermore, submental fullness is almost impossible to remove through natural means, such as exercise and dieting, because those methods don’t target specific areas of fat. With Kybella in Friendswood, it only takes a few carefully-delivered injections to melt the fat away, thereby achieving a chiseled jawline.
The primary ingredient in Kybella is a naturally-occurring component called deoxycholic acid. This is a naturally-occurring molecule that facilitates the breakdown and absorption of dietary fats in the human body. Kybella treatment involves the targeted injection of synthetic deoxycholic acid into the submental region, focusing the body’s fat breakdown processes on the chin. Over time, the accumulated fat is destroyed, metabolized by the body, and subsequently expelled as waste. The results aren’t immediately apparent, but your chin starts looking more chiseled and slender over multiple treatment sessions.